Thursday, October 25, 2007

Logophile's Daily Fix

As I believe I mentioned before, I am afflicted with a passion for words and could be properly labeled with that most horrible of aspersions, logophile. While I admit my own addiction, I am far from the road to recovery and have instead decided to feed my desires by starting this new series of posts. Each day I plan to pick a word that either appeals to me or that I had not previously known or that happens to suit my mood. I will also be willing to accept suggestions; however, please send them via email. Enough with the formalities, lets get to the good stuff.

Today's delicious dose is sesquipedalian, meaning:

ses·qui·pe·da·li·an /ˌsɛskwɪpɪˈdeɪliən, -ˈdeɪlyən/ [ses-kwi-pi-dey-lee-uhn, -deyl-yuhn]
1. given to using long words.
2. (of a word) containing many syllables.
3. a sesquipedalian word.
[Origin: 1605–15; L sésquipedālis measuring a foot and a half]
Something told me this word was appropriate to start this series, partially because it has always been one of my favorites and partially because I have heard it used to describe me. (It was only ever used once though, by my brother - it is not exactly a common word.)

Hopefully that will satiate you till the morrow.

1 comment:

The Exterminator said...

Hey, I wish I'd thought of that as a blog name: The Sesquipedatheist.